Best quotes by Matthew Weiner on People

Checkout quotes by Matthew Weiner on People

  • My wife's an architect, so she definitely has a very high-risk artistic profession, and she gets the idea that you're really sensitive, you really care what people think, you have a low threshold for criticism.
    - Matthew Weiner
  • I'm very supportive of creative people being paid for the work that they do.
    - Matthew Weiner
  • If you've ever had somebody try to sell you something - people who can sell, they really are not manipulating you. They are selling themselves.
    - Matthew Weiner
  • I guess because I'm a liberal I think it's not people's natural instinct to be completely self-interested.
    - Matthew Weiner
  • It's an ugly thing to see ambition and to see people satisfying themselves.
    - Matthew Weiner