Best quotes by Matt Sydal on Me

Checkout quotes by Matt Sydal on Me

  • Scientology is completely irrelevant to any of the talks that have been given to me.
    - Matt Sydal
  • Wrestling has become its own thing separate from what it was in the past and now when people think of pro wrestlers they don't think of Hulk Hogan, they're thinking of guys like me.
    - Matt Sydal
  • Mostly the guys I worked with like wrestling AJ Styles, Jamie Noble, wrestling Chavo Guerrero, wrestling Rey Mysterio... As much as I try to be an individual or unique I can't deny the strong effect these guys have all had on me.
    - Matt Sydal
  • When I began in Ring of Honor, I was very fortunate to get on shows and get looked at and get the experience. I was working with a ton of guys who had more experience than me at the time, like AJ Styles and Christopher Daniels.
    - Matt Sydal
  • If you're just trying to get by, you're going to be left behind. The caliber of shows I'm on are incredible, and it makes me just want to raise that bar even more.
    - Matt Sydal
  • WWE was pretty wonderful to me because I was able to rehab my foot 100 percent before I was released.
    - Matt Sydal
  • I do work for Impact Wrestling, but I'm just a straight up freelance agent in wrestling. I can work for anybody at any time. Basically every company calls me up.
    - Matt Sydal
  • Whether I am the Champion or not is irrelevant to me. I am not attached to it.
    - Matt Sydal
  • I use the right hemisphere of my brain and what I have is this advantage that makes me exceedingly interesting in pro wrestling.
    - Matt Sydal
  • For me, as much fun as it is to watch wrestling is, actually wrestling is what struck a chord with me.
    - Matt Sydal
  • I wouldn't want to go see a comedian if he was using the same jokes. So I'm not going out there trying to do the same thing that and my body's changed, my life's changed and really if people have already seen me do something a 1,000 times, 1,001 is not going to impress anybody.
    - Matt Sydal
  • You can catch me following good wrestlers wherever they are.
    - Matt Sydal
  • I don't really pay attention to WWE stuff as it's just not for me.
    - Matt Sydal
  • For me, I'm not trying to be the flavor for everybody. But I'm just proud when people I respect or people that I want to be my fans are my fans.
    - Matt Sydal
  • I'm always impressed when fans' knowledge surpasses me.
    - Matt Sydal
  • Me and my girlfriend make all my costumes here ourselves at home.
    - Matt Sydal
  • I always stand behind the things that I do. I don't listen to those who downplay things nor do I pay attention to those who grovel at our feet and tell us that we're the greatest. For me, that is just noise.
    - Matt Sydal