Best quotes by Matt Skiba on Never

Checkout quotes by Matt Skiba on Never

  • I've written songs about love or about a relationship, but never just, 'I love you.'
    - Matt Skiba
  • I have never played in a ska band.
    - Matt Skiba
  • Never had a mullet.
    - Matt Skiba
  • I really like a lot of the old 2-tone ska. I definitely went through a phase where I was into The Specials and The Busters. But a lot of the ska revival - I never really have had an interest in that.
    - Matt Skiba
  • It's never been about what we want others to see: it's about what we want to see; it's about what we want to do. We only have a career because of our fans, but we have to keep making music for the reason we started making music.
    - Matt Skiba