Best quotes by Joe Flacco on Football

Checkout quotes by Joe Flacco on Football

  • Listen, I want to win football games; whatever's going to help us win.
    - Joe Flacco
  • I just wanted to play baseball because I liked baseball. I never was giving up on football.
    - Joe Flacco
  • What you think you see and what you think a guy did wrong, maybe he did right. Or you see a touchdown pass, but the guy might've been wrong. Something crazy might have happened. You don't know that. That's the toughest thing when it comes to judging play on a football field.
    - Joe Flacco
  • When you're a 4-6 football team, obviously you haven't played the way you wanted to or the way you think you could.
    - Joe Flacco
  • This is football, man. We all sign up to get hit.
    - Joe Flacco
  • Hey, it's tough not to have a ton of admiration for the fans of Baltimore. And, for it me, it's because they are such a hard-working, blue-collar fan base that loves football.
    - Joe Flacco
  • It always gets you going when you get hit for the first time. It reminds you that you play football.
    - Joe Flacco