Best quotes by Matt McGorry on People

Checkout quotes by Matt McGorry on People

  • At some point, you're just happy to be a working actor, but to be able to do it with people you really love and enjoy spending time with, it's just such a rare thing. You hear so many horror stories.
    - Matt McGorry
  • I know some people who are like, 'I love fitness,' and I feel like if you have to say that, you're still in the romance stage. I'm in the stage where I've been married to it for 60 years, and I don't think I'll ever get a divorce.
    - Matt McGorry
  • I got a lot of empathy from my mother growing up, and I think it prevented me from ever really just writing people off.
    - Matt McGorry
  • People who act the most arrogant often are the most insecure, and they just can't even begin to accept the possibility that they might not be as good as they think they are.
    - Matt McGorry
  • I tend to be shy in asking people for photos - other actors that I really like and admire.
    - Matt McGorry
  • I understand that in TV, people like likable people. In film, you can get away with playing a terrible person. In TV, you're in people's homes every week.
    - Matt McGorry