Best quotes by Benedict Cumberbatch on Life

Checkout quotes by Benedict Cumberbatch on Life

  • Live a life less ordinary.
    - Benedict Cumberbatch
  • Enjoy the journey of life and not just the endgame.
    - Benedict Cumberbatch
  • Every job is incredibly different, and I love it because you're picking up skill sets and experiences. It's the university of life.
    - Benedict Cumberbatch
  • I have an appetite for the normal in my life, as well as the abnormal.
    - Benedict Cumberbatch
  • I have an appetite for the normal in my life, as well as the abnormal.
    - Benedict Cumberbatch
  • As an actor, you are aware of how a role can seep into your real life.
    - Benedict Cumberbatch
  • I've been quite a late developer on the clothes front, but I've suddenly realised it is one of life's joys.
    - Benedict Cumberbatch