Best quotes by Amber Heard on Love

Checkout quotes by Amber Heard on Love

  • I would love to see women be able to be powerful, complex, smart, opinionated and taken seriously, even if they are beautiful. Even more, I would love to see women held to different standards, other than the superficial ones that we're held to.
    - Amber Heard
  • We didn't take Charlize Theron seriously until she did 'Monster' and became physically ugly. I would love to see women be able to be powerful, complex, smart, opinionated and taken seriously, even if they are beautiful.
    - Amber Heard
  • I love my horror films and they will always be very close to me.
    - Amber Heard
  • I don't feel like millions of people are wrong because they love who they love or they were born how they were born.
    - Amber Heard
  • I'm a good shot and I love guns - I own several.
    - Amber Heard
  • I grew up in Texas, and people love their American-made muscle cars there. I grew up around people who loved cars and took care of cars and my dad's a big car nut, so I learned a little bit about cars - how to love them, most importantly. I think that from the time I could remember, I've always envisioned myself in a vintage muscle car.
    - Amber Heard