Best quotes by Matt Bomer on Me

Checkout quotes by Matt Bomer on Me

  • My grandma blows my mind. To me, she exemplifies what a loving, accepting Christian is.
    - Matt Bomer
  • Everyone needs a reset button so you can start your day without anxiety. For some people, it's running; for some, it's going to the gym. For me, it's meditation.
    - Matt Bomer
  • When I was 8 years old, I asked my parents to get me head shots, and they were like, 'What are you talking about? Go outside and play!' I'm so glad they did.
    - Matt Bomer
  • I never really endeavored to hide anything. But there were times I chose not to relegate my history to the back page of a magazine, which to me is sort of akin to putting your biography on a bathroom wall.
    - Matt Bomer
  • For some reason, they always gave me a fat suit in high-school productions. If there was a character who needed to be robust, they gave me a fat suit, and I put on a silly voice.
    - Matt Bomer