Best quotes by Mary Karr on God

Checkout quotes by Mary Karr on God

  • The thing I have to do as a writer, and that God permits me to do, is that I have to be willing to fail.
    - Mary Karr
  • I believe in God, but even if you don't, you can believe in a self, the person who is innately who you are. Once you fully become that person, then everything you do will be blessed.
    - Mary Karr
  • There are all kinds of things God wants me to do that I'm very obstreperous about.
    - Mary Karr
  • I have a completely addictive personality. Diet Coke is my last - God, I know people counting days off Diet Coke; I'm such a Diet Cokehead. Now I won't let myself buy it.
    - Mary Karr
  • It's completely through prayer that I came to believe in God. I just sensed a presence south of my neck.
    - Mary Karr