Best quotes by Martin Landau on Me

Checkout quotes by Martin Landau on Me

  • The more complicated the character, the better I am. It's the one-dimensional crap that I had to do for years that drove me crazy.
    - Martin Landau
  • Everything that has happened to me is of value to me. As painful as certain things are, and have been, and were, there's a use for those things in my life and in my work.
    - Martin Landau
  • I always treat each take as a rehearsal for the next take. That way you can find stuff and keep adding and playing until they tell me to stop.
    - Martin Landau
  • Harry Dean Stanton, Anjelica Huston - a lot of people have studied with me. It's paying my dues.
    - Martin Landau
  • 'North by Northwest' took two and a half to three months to film. When I look back, I realise I wasn't intimidated by Hitchcock and Cary Grant. They were so accepting of me.
    - Martin Landau
  • I could play a lot of things. And it's hard for people and logically hard and understandably hard for people to think of me for certain roles.
    - Martin Landau
  • Sergio Leone came to see me when I was doing 'Mission Impossible.' He wanted me to do 'A Fistful of Dollars.' I turned him down. I didn't want to get stuck as a stoic Western movie star.
    - Martin Landau
  • Nobody knew me. They just knew that I was the guy from 'Mission: Impossible.'
    - Martin Landau
  • I started teaching when I was in my 20s because Lee Strasberg asked me to, and he didn't do that with a lot of people.
    - Martin Landau