Best quotes by Mark Walport on Science

Checkout quotes by Mark Walport on Science

  • Forensic science offers great potential, as it draws on almost every discipline and, in doing so, creates widespread opportunity for innovation.
    - Mark Walport
  • Science is not finished until it is communicated.
    - Mark Walport
  • We pretend that the debate about genetically modified crops is a debate about science when the reality is, actually, that the science is very clear. It is really a debate about values.
    - Mark Walport
  • I look forward to working closely with the Research Councils, Innovate UK, and Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE), as we work together to create UKRI. I also look forward to working closely with all of our research and innovation communities to provide a strong and coherent voice for U.K. science and innovation.
    - Mark Walport
  • Science, engineering, and technology have transformed the infrastructure of the modern world and have a vital role to play at the heart of policy making.
    - Mark Walport
  • Science, engineering, and technology discovers and invents new ways of doing things - but it doesn't dictate how we should do them.
    - Mark Walport
  • People have extreme beliefs about whether it is right for humans to tamper with embryos in any way at all. Sometimes the values discussion gets conflated with the science discussion. We shouldn't pretend we're having an argument about science when we're having an argument about values.
    - Mark Walport
  • If you look at U.K. science, we collaborate with people across the whole world, and it's extremely important we continue to do so in the future.
    - Mark Walport
  • An important task for government is to think about the future as well as to learn from the past, and the Foresight Programme, run by the Government Office for Science, helps in the development of this thinking.
    - Mark Walport
  • David Sainsbury has been good for science and good for innovation in the U.K. He has been an outstanding science minister and shown extraordinary passion and commitment to his portfolio.
    - Mark Walport
  • We need to show why the government should be funding science and how that funding delivers.
    - Mark Walport
  • Science can tell us what can be done in principle, but it is then a matter for public debate as to what should be done. And ultimately, it is a role for politicians to decide the answers.
    - Mark Walport