Best quotes by Mark Philippoussis on Life

Checkout quotes by Mark Philippoussis on Life

  • If you told me as a ten-year-old kid, loving tennis as I did, that I'd be plagued by injuries and have to finish early I'd still have chosen this life.
    - Mark Philippoussis
  • I'm not really good with authority, but you know, when the doctors said that I won't be playing professional tennis again , it was another, sort of another thing in my life where I'm going to prove someone else wrong.
    - Mark Philippoussis
  • I'm not really good with authority, but you know, when the doctors said that I won't be playing professional tennis again , it was another, sort of another thing in my life where I'm going to prove someone else wrong.
    - Mark Philippoussis
  • I've changed my whole life around, I've devoted my life for tennis instead of partying. I'm very happy, you know, I'm 27, I really feel like I have another 5 years left in me, and I still, honestly feel like I have still got the best tennis, best things ahead of me.
    - Mark Philippoussis
  • When I was on the court, I played. When I trained, I trained hard. But as soon as that thing was over, I switched off and enjoyed my life.
    - Mark Philippoussis
  • When I was on the court, I played. When I trained, I trained hard. But as soon as that thing was over, I switched off and enjoyed my life.
    - Mark Philippoussis
  • It got to a stage where I realised I didn't care about eating, sleeping, breathing tennis because my first priority in my life was always my family.
    - Mark Philippoussis
  • I've lived an easy life, the life you dream about. And at that time I thought it was normal, but it's so far from normal.
    - Mark Philippoussis