Best quotes by Mark Kurlansky on World

Checkout quotes by Mark Kurlansky on World

  • Havana, for all its smells, sweat, crumbling walls, isolation, and difficult history, is the most romantic city in the world.
    - Mark Kurlansky
  • Religion is a big problem in Israel and the Arab world, but again, the problem isn't religion but political leaders who want to use the religion.
    - Mark Kurlansky
  • I am of that '60s generation, and for people of my age, that phrase 'change the world' has a real resonance.
    - Mark Kurlansky
  • The entire trendy foodie world - food writing, food television, celebrated restaurants - is all about food for the rich. But the most important food issue is how to feed the poor or the hardworking middle class.
    - Mark Kurlansky
  • There's a lot about the early history of salt that isn't known, including who first used it and when or how it was discovered that it preserved food. We were sort of handed, in history, this world where everyone knew about salt. And it's not clear exactly how that developed.
    - Mark Kurlansky