Best quotes by Mark Kozelek on Music

Checkout quotes by Mark Kozelek on Music

  • Every artist has different priorities. Some artists I know don't make as much music as they used to, because social media has taken over their lives. I work at what I feel is a very normal pace, and things keep clicking. It's rewarding.
    - Mark Kozelek
  • I'm a fan of making music more than talking about it.
    - Mark Kozelek
  • Most Americans I play for are clueless as to who Richard Ramirez was, so you can imagine how audiences in Portugal react. I'm not saying they don't enjoy the music; I'm just saying they're a little lost on some references.
    - Mark Kozelek
  • If people want to write long, rambling, pathetic articles about how sad they are about song titles, have a blast! I'll be out playing music to a room full of people, having a great time.
    - Mark Kozelek
  • I'm just writing less of my own music lately - I go in and out of phases a lot. Sometimes there are these accidents that just sort of happen, that are kind of waiting around the corner. I guess Modest Mouse was one of them.
    - Mark Kozelek
  • When you're a touring musician, you're always turning over new rocks, and there's always a certain level of tension in your life. The music business, and the travel that comes with it, is stressful, challenging, redundant, exhausting, exciting, and often very depressing.
    - Mark Kozelek
  • I'm not trying to sound mean spirited, but I honestly don't know of many successful musicians who get that excited about other current artists' music. You're either a music fan, or you're a working musician.
    - Mark Kozelek