Best quotes by Ralphie May on People

Checkout quotes by Ralphie May on People

  • I've been called a race traitor, prejudiced about white people. It's ridiculous... I have a really, really diverse crowd. Most comedy clubs appeal to white audiences. I have a very mixed crowd. I have a lot of visibility in the black audience.
    - Ralphie May
  • I think there's too much emphasis on making sure our corporations are OK versus making sure our people are OK.
    - Ralphie May
  • I'm not crooked, and I want to help people.
    - Ralphie May
  • I'm blue collar, which means white trash with a job. But it also means people who take pride in what they do.
    - Ralphie May
  • If we were all sitting around as different races and as different religions, if you were a real friend of these people, you would bust on them all.
    - Ralphie May
  • If people get their feelings hurt from jokes, then they are too delicate to be in society.
    - Ralphie May
  • The people I make fun of most are white people. They're the dumbest ones. They really are.
    - Ralphie May
  • I work hard, and I make people laugh. What's wrong with that?
    - Ralphie May
  • I think we can do better with our politicians. I think I'd make a good one, because I like people.
    - Ralphie May
  • When somebody's different, it's so easy to dismiss what people say because of what they look like. They really want to judge the book by its cover.
    - Ralphie May
  • Atlanta is interesting. You have high education rates but there are plenty of regular folks. People have degrees but chop wood on weekends.
    - Ralphie May
  • I don't get much respect from the industry in general, but that's OK. I didn't get into it for respect. I got into it to make people laugh, and that's what I'm doing. That's all I give a damn about.
    - Ralphie May