Best quotes by Marcus Smart on Life

Checkout quotes by Marcus Smart on Life

  • I could've easily let the passing of my brother control how I live my life. But I was determined not to let him die in vain and to make a negative into a positive.
    - Marcus Smart
  • I defend just like my brother Todd lived. He taught me how to play defense by the way he lived his life. I defend like every game is my last game, like anything can be taken away at any moment, and that's what my brother taught me. That's what he always preached to me, so that's how I believe the game should be played.
    - Marcus Smart
  • My whole life I've worked. My whole life I've been counted out.
    - Marcus Smart
  • My whole life I've been the one to look myself in the mirror whenever everyone else is doubting me. I'm the one that had the most confidence in myself and I always betted on myself, and it's worked out for me each and every time.
    - Marcus Smart
  • Make sure you're building your brand early and make sure it's a good brand so in life after basketball, you have an option and you have resources to help you with that.
    - Marcus Smart
  • The most physical, most annoying games I ever played in my life were against my brothers growing up.
    - Marcus Smart
  • The most physical, most annoying games I ever played in my life were against my brothers growing up.
    - Marcus Smart