Best quotes by Trevor Paglen on People

Checkout quotes by Trevor Paglen on People

  • The most famous secret base, I guess, would be Area 51, which a lot of people have heard of as a kind of mythical place. Well, it's a real place.
    - Trevor Paglen
  • I think mass surveillance is a bad idea because a surveillance society is one in which people understand that they are constantly monitored.
    - Trevor Paglen
  • Show me what society that ever existed that did not use the tools that they had available. Ask any person from East Germany... you will never hear somebody say, 'The Stasi never bothered me because I didn't have anything to hide.' That's not a thing that people say.
    - Trevor Paglen
  • People like to say that my work is about making the invisible visible, but that's a misunderstanding. It's about showing what invisibility looks like.
    - Trevor Paglen
  • Images can make realities out of people and struggles - the reality we give them. Images really matter.
    - Trevor Paglen
  • My dad was not one of these stereotypical military people - buzz-cut, rah-rah-rah.
    - Trevor Paglen
  • I pretty much made a conscious decision to make projects a lot of people can relate to.
    - Trevor Paglen