Best quotes by Marcus Samuelsson on Food

Checkout quotes by Marcus Samuelsson on Food

  • We struggle with eating healthily, obesity, and access to good nutrition for everyone. But we have a great opportunity to get on the right side of this battle by beginning to think differently about the way that we eat and the way that we approach food.
    - Marcus Samuelsson
  • Every time you use the word 'healthy,' you lose. The key is to make yummy, delicious food that happens to be healthy.
    - Marcus Samuelsson
  • In Ethiopia, food is often looked at through a strong spiritual lens, stronger than anywhere else I know. It's the focal point of weddings, births and funerals and is a daily ceremony from the preparation of the meal and the washing of hands to the sharing of meals.
    - Marcus Samuelsson
  • Without food, we cannot survive, and that is why issues that affect the food industry are so important.
    - Marcus Samuelsson
  • While some people may think being a chef only entails making enticing dishes and pushing the culinary boundaries, being a part of the food industry involves much more.
    - Marcus Samuelsson
  • Clean water and access to food are some of the simplest things that we can take for granted each and every day. In places like Africa, these can be some of the hardest resources to attain if you live in a rural area.
    - Marcus Samuelsson
  • You have to balance, but you can be aggressive as a chef. It benefits the food. You have to be passionate. You can't be angry cooking.
    - Marcus Samuelsson
  • There shouldn't be an announcement that divides our food between what tastes good and what is good for us.
    - Marcus Samuelsson
  • Children want to mimic adults. They notice when you choose to prepare fresh vegetables over calling in another pizza pie for dinner. They will see that food made with love and care outweighs going through the drive-through window.
    - Marcus Samuelsson
  • I credit my grandmother for teaching me to love and respect food. She taught me how to waste nothing, to make sure I used every bit of the chicken and boil the bones till no flavor could be extracted from them.
    - Marcus Samuelsson
  • Like all food, whether you're talking about Persian food, or Chinese food, or Swedish food, it's always a reflection of wars, trading, a bunch of good and a bunch of bad. But what's left is always the food story.
    - Marcus Samuelsson
  • We know so much about the European food story, and we're getting to know about the American food story; but we know so little about the African food story.
    - Marcus Samuelsson
  • Most of my education has been around food.
    - Marcus Samuelsson
  • Food has always been in my life. Being born in Ethiopia, where there was a lack of food, and then really cooking with my grandmother Helga in Sweden. And my grandmother Helga was a cook's cook.
    - Marcus Samuelsson
  • It wasn't until I came to New York and started to see the African American community, but also the Ethiopian community here, and started to eat the food, started to understand the music. I said, you know, I got to go and understand the culture. So me and my sister went.
    - Marcus Samuelsson
  • I'm engaged in food on so many levels, and I love that. So my work, my craft, is around food, and writing is one aspect of it; communicating a narrative, cooking online is one aspect of it; solving the food chasm that we have in Harlem and finding a farmers market is another one, and all of them are equally exciting for me.
    - Marcus Samuelsson
  • I don't distinguish the music I listen to from great music - it's just music. There shouldn't be an announcement that divides our food between what tastes good and what is good for us.
    - Marcus Samuelsson
  • I love Thanksgiving because it's a holiday that is centered around food and family, two things that are of utmost importance to me.
    - Marcus Samuelsson