Best quotes by Marc Martel on Music

Checkout quotes by Marc Martel on Music

  • If the Christian community responds to our music better because maybe we gained a little more credibility in the mainstream, then it's not ideal, it's not fun, it's not sexy, but I'll take it.
    - Marc Martel
  • I think people tend to cling to music when times are hard.
    - Marc Martel
  • I'm the worst critic about music myself. I hardly ever, ever like something the first time I listen to it.
    - Marc Martel
  • I always loved music - it was always in the house - and my younger brother is musical, too.
    - Marc Martel
  • I grew up on a lot of gospel music.
    - Marc Martel
  • I liken the Queen thing to being in a worship service. Everyone comes having grown up with this music. It's in their blood, in their souls. Every night, it's always a huge standing ovation.
    - Marc Martel
  • Most of the music I grew up listening to was not Christian music, although I definitely had a lot of that at home, too.
    - Marc Martel
  • Rock n' roll is the music where you can get away with pretty much saying everything, and it's OK. You can say truths in really interesting and good ways and really express yourself through it.
    - Marc Martel