Best quotes by Malaika Arora Khan on Work

Checkout quotes by Malaika Arora Khan on Work

  • Charity is a very personal equation, like we say charity begins at home. It starts with your immediate help in the house: the people who work for you.
    - Malaika Arora Khan
  • I'm one of the lucky few who never had to face the whole 'Oh, you've had a baby, and now work will have to suffer' bit. It just wasn't a big deal when I got married and had a baby.
    - Malaika Arora Khan
  • I try and work out as much as I can. When I'm working or travelling, it's tough, but when I'm at home, that time and space is sacred. I do yoga every day.
    - Malaika Arora Khan
  • I have a simple mantra: eat right and work out; you'll never have a weight issue. I never starve or binge.
    - Malaika Arora Khan
  • Yes, I love the glamour industry. I love the work that I've done so far. But it's not as if I have this biting ambition to be at the top.
    - Malaika Arora Khan
  • It's a lot of work to make a marriage work. Just because you have been married for a while doesn't mean you can sit back and relax. You still have to be on your toes. A marriage needs constant attention.
    - Malaika Arora Khan