Best quotes by Maisie Williams on People

Checkout quotes by Maisie Williams on People

  • People don't always do what they say they're going to do.
    - Maisie Williams
  • Whether I like it or not, I've become influential to people.
    - Maisie Williams
  • People throw insults at you, and sometimes they hit a nerve - and it's about not showing that, because they will pick on that. Don't feed the trolls!
    - Maisie Williams
  • I think people think I'm a lot younger than I am because of how I look on screen.
    - Maisie Williams
  • People go down bad paths and they make bad decisions, but it's always justified in their head.
    - Maisie Williams
  • I struggle to come up to people and say what I think.
    - Maisie Williams
  • There's some people that obviously abuse social networking or whatever, but I think it's a fantastic idea. I've never had any bad encounters with any of it.
    - Maisie Williams
  • Sometimes people think they know you and they go, 'Hey!' and then they realize that they've just seen you on the television. That's kind of funny sometimes.
    - Maisie Williams
  • People are like, 'What's Game of Thrones about?' I'm like, 'It's in the title.' For real, this is a game for the Iron Throne. No matter what character you are, you're sucked into that at some point.
    - Maisie Williams
  • I'm sorry; I ruin people's interviews because I just talk about rubbish.
    - Maisie Williams
  • Most commonly, I've been recognized from people who aren't actually from England.
    - Maisie Williams
  • I think a lot of people on Twitter say, 'Oh you're really cute. I want to adopt you,' and things like that, yeah.
    - Maisie Williams
  • I'd much rather be liked because people realize that I'm standing up for myself.
    - Maisie Williams