Best quotes by Maggie Gyllenhaal on Work

Checkout quotes by Maggie Gyllenhaal on Work

  • You're not going to do good work if you're not choosing something because it inspires you.
    - Maggie Gyllenhaal
  • I used to think that if I did my very best work, then everyone would love it, but I've realised that not everybody thinks the same things are good. It took me 30 years even to begin to see that.
    - Maggie Gyllenhaal
  • You have a right to your opinion about the work that you're doing. An artist is as equally important as the director. If you believe that, you can work in any circumstances.
    - Maggie Gyllenhaal
  • I happen to be in a line of work where I get given lots of clothes, and I definitely think it's fun, but I know that, ultimately, fashion is not that important. I use fashion, though, as a way of thinking about who I am.
    - Maggie Gyllenhaal
  • Yes, I want to do good work. But just because a movie is small, it doesn't make it better. In fact, there are a lot of really horrible independent movies made.
    - Maggie Gyllenhaal