Best quotes by Maddie Marlow on Song

Checkout quotes by Maddie Marlow on Song

  • 'Girl In A Country Song' is basically a song about what it's like to be the girl in modern day country songs and how hard it is to be this perfect Barbie doll girl that we are portrayed as.
    - Maddie Marlow
  • We played 'Girl in a Country Song' in front of Scott Borchetta, and he loved it.
    - Maddie Marlow
  • Every song means something. Every song tells one of our stories, or a story together.
    - Maddie Marlow
  • We wrote every single song, and they're all true stories. Some people don't believe us, but they are.
    - Maddie Marlow
  • It's so hard to be the girl in a country song, so we're speaking up.
    - Maddie Marlow
  • 'Fly' really is the polar opposite of 'Girl in a Country Song.'
    - Maddie Marlow