Best quotes by Gerrit Smith on God

Checkout quotes by Gerrit Smith on God

  • God cannot approve of a system of servitude, in which the master is guilty of assuming absolute power - of assuming God's place and relation towards his fellow-men.
    - Gerrit Smith
  • I prefer, in a word, the republican system, because it comes up more nearly to God's system.
    - Gerrit Smith
  • Let us tell our legislators in advance, that this is a right, restraints on which, we will not, cannot bear; and that every attempt to restrain it is a palpable wrong on God and man.
    - Gerrit Smith
  • My rights all spring front an infinitely nobler source - from favor and grace of God.
    - Gerrit Smith
  • The Southern slave would obey God in respect to marriage, and also to the reading and studying of His word. But this, as we have seen, is forbidden him.
    - Gerrit Smith