Best quotes by Lloyd Blankfein on People

Checkout quotes by Lloyd Blankfein on People

  • There is a line in which populism can cross over into demagoguery. Demagoguery is the crossover where populism becomes a bad thing, and people make things up, and they assign responsibilities that aren't fair and justified, and scapegoat communities. And then it becomes a very bad thing.
    - Lloyd Blankfein
  • Companies that grow create wealth. This, in turn, allows people to have jobs that create more growth and more wealth. It's a virtuous cycle.
    - Lloyd Blankfein
  • The ability for employment benefits to be shared among spouses, the ability to move people who are dependent on visas for trailing spouses, all hinges on being able to deal with families of gay people in the same way that you deal with families of straight people. Otherwise, they can't move around.
    - Lloyd Blankfein
  • In 2007, in the early 2007, everybody saw the housing market was falling, and at any given moment a lot of people thought it was going to fall more, and a lot of people thought it was going to rebound. You just didn't know.
    - Lloyd Blankfein
  • You can see that all these people who did really great things failed six times or didn't get going until they were much older. I think that's much more instructive and educational.
    - Lloyd Blankfein
  • I always thought that a prep school was what some people went to after high school to prepare themselves for college.
    - Lloyd Blankfein
  • Too much of the GDP over the last generation has gone to too few of the people.
    - Lloyd Blankfein
  • As CEO of a big company, I have to be a kind of a champion of the interests of our people as insofar as their ability to do their job, to feel comfortable in their work environment, and to be able to fulfill their ambitions.
    - Lloyd Blankfein