Best quotes by Joe Perry on Me

Checkout quotes by Joe Perry on Me

  • There's no doubt arena shows are exciting, but you don't get that up close and personal kind of vibe, and that's what rock n' roll is all about for me.
    - Joe Perry
  • India brings out so many different feelings in me. I've been fascinated with India and Indian culture as long as I can remember - ever since the '60s with the Beatles and Maharishi Mahesh Yogi.
    - Joe Perry
  • For me, L.A. was, and is, a very creative place to be.
    - Joe Perry
  • When I plug in my guitar and play it really loud, loud enough to deafen most people, that's my shot of adrenaline, and there's nothing like it. That's what it's always been for me - to be the flame the tribe dances around.
    - Joe Perry
  • I've seen bands split up for five years and do nothing. That sounds great to me, but it just hasn't worked out that way.
    - Joe Perry
  • 'Back In The Saddle' - I never realised what a good riff that was, or at least how much it satisfied me. And when we play it live, it comes across much better than I ever expected it to.
    - Joe Perry
  • I love to listen to the music that first inspired me - I get that fresh feeling back.
    - Joe Perry
  • I've been into guns ever since I was a little kid, and the ones that fascinate me most are the black powder guns that people used back in the 17 and 1800s.
    - Joe Perry