Best quotes by Liz Phair on Music

Checkout quotes by Liz Phair on Music

  • I've lost touch with a lot of that boutique-type music just because of my age, and raising my son and the multiple jobs I have at this point.
    - Liz Phair
  • That's what music is to me. Like, stuff that I really like to play loud. And I've got my quiet CDs, too, that I listen to around the house, but if you can't go there, then... Everyone gets so upset with me, I can't win.
    - Liz Phair
  • I don't have the same access or time to gain access to music the way I used to.
    - Liz Phair
  • When I use the Internet, it's pretty much strictly for music. Checking out other people's web sites, what's going on, listening to music. It's pretty much a musical thing for me.
    - Liz Phair
  • The big news already broke. The file-sharing and all that stuff, it's a done deal. And I think figuring out how to make that a fair exchange for the people that make music is still an issue.
    - Liz Phair
  • Now, in music, it seems more like the popular crowd suppresses anyone who is different.
    - Liz Phair
  • I mean, I kind of remember... I'm 36 now, so it's kind of hard for me to relate to what it was like when I was 25, or 24, but I do remember a period in time when that's how I defined who I was, by the music I listened to and the movies I went to.
    - Liz Phair
  • I just want to make music and make a living. I just have to find the means of doing that.
    - Liz Phair
  • Everything that people lob at you who don't know you, it all hurts. When you're doing something as simple as making music, which really, theoretically, shouldn't hurt anyone - I mean, it's a song! Step back for five seconds and laugh.
    - Liz Phair