Best quotes by Little Richard on Music

Checkout quotes by Little Richard on Music

  • People called rock & roll 'African music.' They called it 'voodoo music.' They said that it would drive the kids insane. They said that it was just a flash in the pan - the same thing that they always used to say about hip-hop.
    - Little Richard
  • I think they saw me as something like a deliverer, a way out. My means of expression, my music, was a way in which a lot of people wished they could express themselves and couldn't.
    - Little Richard
  • I've never seen the devil create music.
    - Little Richard
  • Plus I love Tanya Tucker and I love country music.
    - Little Richard
  • When you sit down and think about what rock 'n' roll music really is, then you have to change that question. Played up-tempo, you call it rock 'n' roll; at a regular tempo, you call it rhythm and blues.
    - Little Richard