Best quotes by Frankie Cosmos on Life

Checkout quotes by Frankie Cosmos on Life

  • I knew that 'Next Thing' was an angry album while I was making it. But I thought that it was angry the way that you get in a fight, not angry as a huge life change.
    - Frankie Cosmos
  • If I could have a record that represents every stage of my life, I'd be putting out one a month. Everything is always changing, and so is the way that I feel about stuff.
    - Frankie Cosmos
  • If I could have a record that represents every stage of my life, I'd be putting out one a month. Everything is always changing, and so is the way that I feel about stuff.
    - Frankie Cosmos
  • It's funny: 'Next Thing' was written in a time of my life when I was actually really naive and thought that I was wise.
    - Frankie Cosmos
  • Performing is something that has really grown on me and become an important part of my life, which I didn't used to feel. I didn't used to want to really perform live a lot. It's been an interesting adjustment.
    - Frankie Cosmos
  • Performing is something that has really grown on me and become an important part of my life, which I didn't used to feel. I didn't used to want to really perform live a lot. It's been an interesting adjustment.
    - Frankie Cosmos
  • I definitely think that touring is a really crazy lifestyle and makes it hard to live a normal life and have relationships and friendships.
    - Frankie Cosmos
  • I realized I was trained my whole life to be an accommodating person, to make sure that everybody is comfortable before I'm comfortable. After giving so much of myself to strangers, I learned to care for myself a little more, especially on tour.
    - Frankie Cosmos