Best quotes by LeToya Luckett on God

Checkout quotes by LeToya Luckett on God

  • I serve a major God who definitely has the last say on my life.
    - LeToya Luckett
  • I trust God's timing. I'm a very spiritual person, and a lot of times, we want things on our time, and we come up with our own plans of what we want to do with our lives, but God be like, 'Haha, you're funny. That's cute. Anyways, this is what you're going to do,' and I've learned to just sit back.
    - LeToya Luckett
  • I've always believed in staying in a positive frame of mind and allowing God to work and move. It's about having patience.
    - LeToya Luckett
  • My prayer life and my connection with God are on the highest level.
    - LeToya Luckett
  • Me and my sister and my best friend get on the phone every morning and pray about different things. Even if we can't talk, because both of them have kids and I'm on the road, we shoot each other texts. 'What can I pray for you today?' It's a wonderful feeling knowing that you have women of God praying for you. There's nothing like that.
    - LeToya Luckett
  • God put us on this earth with the purpose of loving.
    - LeToya Luckett