Best quotes by Letitia Baldrige on Home

Checkout quotes by Letitia Baldrige on Home

  • A man or woman can be known and respected for good taste, regardless of job or income level, if they make good choices in clothes, have good table manners, are kind and organize their home to look warm, welcoming, clean, and appropriate to their station in life.
    - Letitia Baldrige
  • We're a nation of latchkey children. Manners start at home, and no one is at home teaching manners so that children have respect for others.
    - Letitia Baldrige
  • At home, we're listening to TV or playing with our computers, so our entertaining is rusting. We don't know how to be good hosts and guests in business situations.
    - Letitia Baldrige
  • When writing a thank-you if you've had lunch with someone downtown, send an e-mail. If somebody is giving you a dinner party in his or her home and all the work that takes, that person deserves a written thank-you.
    - Letitia Baldrige
  • We have lost the art of conversation. People are shy and don't know how to approach other people, and they are missing opportunities for relationships. And no one's entertaining at home anymore. They're not having people over for dinner.
    - Letitia Baldrige