Best quotes by Laurie Metcalf on Me

Checkout quotes by Laurie Metcalf on Me

  • I like to play a wide range of characters. The more they're unlike me, the better I like it.
    - Laurie Metcalf
  • I don't know if ISU helped me become what I am, but I know that if I hadn't gone there, I wouldn't be what I am today.
    - Laurie Metcalf
  • I like contemporary, bare-boned writing. I don't like having the language that I barely understand get in the way of me interpreting it over to an audience. It's this barrier that I don't want to have to attack.
    - Laurie Metcalf
  • I'm incredibly lucky to have the opportunity to bring Mae to work with me as I take on the guest role of 'Mary McGowan.'
    - Laurie Metcalf
  • I used to drive myself crazy by thinking, three days later, 'Ugh, why didn't I play it like that? Ugh, now that line makes sense to me.'
    - Laurie Metcalf