Best quotes by Lane Kiffin on Time

Checkout quotes by Lane Kiffin on Time

  • Any time that you get big titles or head jobs at a young age, there's going to be that factor. 'He didn't pay his dues.'
    - Lane Kiffin
  • When I was younger I used to read everything. 'Why is this guy saying this, why is this article saying this.' That's one of the things Coach Saban has taught me, he does not listen or read anything that's out there at all. He says 'why am I going to waste my time?'
    - Lane Kiffin
  • Anybody can do something one time. You have a great year because everything goes right. But can you maintain it and sustain it for a long period of time as Coach Carroll did and Coach Saban?
    - Lane Kiffin
  • If you would have told me when I was 24 years old, right before I went with Coach Carroll to USC, you're going to get to be the offensive coordinator for Pete Carroll and then offensive coordinator for Nick Saban, arguably maybe the two best coaches in all of football by the time you're 40 years old, I would have said, 'Where do I sign up?'
    - Lane Kiffin
  • My phone was not ringing very much at the time after USC, and that was a very humbling experience after being let go there and to go through that process. You start calling a lot of people that don't call you back all of a sudden, and you realize things about people.
    - Lane Kiffin
  • You know what I didn't realize at the time is a really good blessing, is that I was a really crappy player.
    - Lane Kiffin