Best quotes by Kyp Malone on Music

Checkout quotes by Kyp Malone on Music

  • When I was little and I was introduced to Led Zeppelin, I didn't know what a zeppelin was or who Zeppelin was or what the machine was. The real meaning is whatever feelings and memories you attach to the music.
    - Kyp Malone
  • As long as I'm blessed and/or cursed to be alive, it's hard to see a time when I won't be making music.
    - Kyp Malone
  • I don't feel a real need to specify the meaning of something. When I was little and I was introduced to Led Zeppelin, I didn't know what a zeppelin was or who Zeppelin was or what the machine was. The real meaning is whatever feelings and memories you attach to the music.
    - Kyp Malone
  • Being my own boss and working inside an industry that's not really an industry, I need to keep busy and keep working. The only way to make money in music - unless you're managing someone - is to tour, and even that depends on where you are at.
    - Kyp Malone
  • I like pop music. I also like the sound of a dying refrigerator. I can listen to that for an hour and a half if I'm in the mood.
    - Kyp Malone
  • I don't think that three minutes of music on a commercial record is going to bring paradise, but I feel like there is power in music and power in our words and power in what we put out into the world.
    - Kyp Malone