Best quotes by Kamaru Usman on Me

Checkout quotes by Kamaru Usman on Me

  • My thing is, if you're going to talk online, if you're going to come at me with a certain energy, when you see me on-site, keep that certain energy. That's it. That's it. That's all I am.
    - Kamaru Usman
  • That's why I think that I have a big advantage, because I work on my striking a ton, but I don't forget about my wrestling, what brought me to the dance.
    - Kamaru Usman
  • Not everybody out here trains with me; not everybody knows what I'm capable of. My coaches know what I'm capable of, my training partners know what I'm capable of, and I know what I'm capable of.
    - Kamaru Usman
  • Can't nobody handle me.
    - Kamaru Usman
  • I believe that, just naturally, I'm a very soft-spoken person. Everyone tells me that on a daily basis - 'Speak up, we can't hear you,' or 'Elaborate on this.' But that's just how I am.
    - Kamaru Usman
  • One thing about me is that my parents didn't force me to be an athlete.
    - Kamaru Usman
  • My parents didn't want me to do this. My dad, when I told him I wanted to wrestle, he told me no, if you're going to play any sports, play baseball.
    - Kamaru Usman
  • You can't out-wrestle me. You can't out-strike me. You don't have more power than me.
    - Kamaru Usman
  • I will be unhappy if RDA ducks me. I will be very unhappy.
    - Kamaru Usman
  • Nobody - nobody - in my division wants to fight me, because I am the hardest fight for anybody.
    - Kamaru Usman
  • Crazy things happen in this sport, and you have to be ready. And for me, luck is when preparation meets opportunity.
    - Kamaru Usman
  • Being able to open up and use my kick would make me so much more dangerous. It wouldn't even be fair to use some of the weapons that we work on.
    - Kamaru Usman