Best quotes by Genesis P-Orridge on People

Checkout quotes by Genesis P-Orridge on People

  • Even if the world outside is destroying itself and fragmented and paranoid and fearful, the job of the artist is to embrace and hold people and say, 'It's OK, be safe here.'
    - Genesis P-Orridge
  • The punk rockers said, 'Learn three chords and form a band.' And we thought, 'Why learn any chords?' We wanted to make music like Ford made cars on the industrial belt. Industrial music for industrial people.
    - Genesis P-Orridge
  • All the people at university were very aristocratic - except me, because I was on scholarship. And everyone there voluntarily wore suits and ties every day. And this was in the '60s!
    - Genesis P-Orridge
  • We were already, in 1981, bemoaning the fact that people were using certain accessorised ideas and images that they connected with us - sort of strange buildings and neo-fascist regimes and the 'dark side' of human culture.
    - Genesis P-Orridge
  • The status quo is presented as something to aspire to, whereas for us, the status quo was something we wanted to shatter in order to create the space for people to choose for themselves.
    - Genesis P-Orridge
  • We don't agree with Caitlyn Jenner deciding she is the spokesperson for trans people.
    - Genesis P-Orridge
  • The good thing about people who are corporate is that they're stupid. So they can be touching something that's precious or radical or special, and they miss the point completely.
    - Genesis P-Orridge
  • My artwork is in order to seduce people into thinking.
    - Genesis P-Orridge