Best quotes by Kim Woo-bin on Me

Checkout quotes by Kim Woo-bin on Me

  • My favorite phrase is, 'God only gives struggles to people who can overcome it.' I saw it in a book, and it helped me out so much.
    - Kim Woo-bin
  • After I got popular, my company gave me a new car. It's not a personal car, but for schedule purposes. It's a little bigger than a Carnival. It even plays TV and DVD!
    - Kim Woo-bin
  • My parents say to cherish the people around me, and I try to meet their satisfaction by maintaining a long relationship with people I meet.
    - Kim Woo-bin
  • When people give me the choice to either sing or dance, I'd rather dance than sing.
    - Kim Woo-bin
  • I said I wanted to be a model when I was in middle school. Everyone close to me raised doubts except for my parents. My parents trusted me and gave me full support.
    - Kim Woo-bin