Best quotes by Darren Star on Sex

Checkout quotes by Darren Star on Sex

  • When 'Sex and the City' aired its first season, people didn't know about HBO as a place for original series. People weren't saying, 'Oh I've got to watch 'Sex and the City'!' They found it later. In some ways, it helped change what people thought of HBO.
    - Darren Star
  • I grew up in D.C. but always had a love affair with New York. I did 'Central Park West,' 'Sex and the City,' 'Law & Order.'
    - Darren Star
  • When I brought 'Sex and the City' to HBO, I wanted to do something independent, where I could be like, 'I don't care if anybody watches this thing. Just let me do something that I would love to see.' Honestly, the success of 'Sex and the City' was what was most surprising to me. It was sort of like the anti-TV-show in my mind.
    - Darren Star
  • When I did 'Sex and the City,' it was like, 'Let's do a comedy where the humor is not coming from innuendo but from the a truthful place. This is a show where we're going to be able to say and do what we want.'
    - Darren Star
  • I think people have this sort of idea that 'Sex and the City' was this overnight sensation, and that can't be farther from the truth.
    - Darren Star
  • I think 'Sex and the City' is a chapter that will never close. In a wonderful way, it's always going to be an open chapter because it seems like new generations discover the show and relate to it, which is amazing, and you can't hope for that.
    - Darren Star
  • In the moment when you're doing a show, you're thinking of that moment, but you don't think of, 'Here's down the line how people will be relating to the characters.' There's something very universal about 'Sex and the City' that people are still tapping into, where every generation seems to be discovering for itself.
    - Darren Star