Best quotes by Kevin Parker on Me

Checkout quotes by Kevin Parker on Me

  • I've always argued that all Tame Impala melodies are pure pop. It's just that 'Lonerism,' for example, is a completely rumbling, fuzzed out psychedelic rock album. But for me, it was just pop music produced the way that I like to produce it.
    - Kevin Parker
  • My brother Steve, who was a few years older than me, had 'Bad' on tape, and I remember listening to 'Smooth Criminal' and just thinking it was the coolest thing ever. I must have been five or six at the time, and I remember walking around school by myself thinking I was Michael Jackson. I wasn't dancing, exactly - more like walking musically.
    - Kevin Parker
  • I've always loved listening to music on my own, but there's another side of me that is just fascinated by... like Goa trance, for example - just a rave on a beach in India, you know? Where there's someone that's spinning the music, and it's just this free-flowing, continuous energy.
    - Kevin Parker
  • To me, rock and roll is like an ethos or a state of mind.
    - Kevin Parker
  • Making music is so spiritual. I'm not a spiritual person, but music is sacred to me.
    - Kevin Parker
  • After my grunge phase, I started opening my horizons and listening to more electronic stuff. I got into Radiohead, specifically 'Amnesiac' - my brother gave me that album.
    - Kevin Parker
  • The inspiration to write a song comes to me when something has happened to me more than once. If it's happened to me more than once, it's probably happened to other people.
    - Kevin Parker
  • Grunge gave me a sense of identity, and I remember really associating with 'Silverchair,' who were these chilled-out Australian teenagers. The fact that they were teenagers was a big deal for me. It was like, 'Oh, man, you don't have to be a 30-year-old to do this.'
    - Kevin Parker
  • In the end, for me, music is such an internal thing that to let the outside world influence would be against my modus operandi.
    - Kevin Parker
  • For me, working alone is being able to express, which is the artistic part.
    - Kevin Parker
  • The worst time for me is in the final few hours of taking a track that you've worked on for two years and bouncing it down to the final stereo mix. The overwhelming emotion for me is complete and utter fear that I've made a mistake. I'm scared. Afterward, I obsess endlessly about it.
    - Kevin Parker