Best quotes by Kevin Macdonald on Movies

Checkout quotes by Kevin Macdonald on Movies

  • We're all fascinated by the way other people live their lives, how they cope with hardship and triumph, what they put in their home movies and family albums.
    - Kevin Macdonald
  • What got me into making movies was that I wanted to be a journalist.
    - Kevin Macdonald
  • I love submarine movies.
    - Kevin Macdonald
  • A publisher friend of mine suggested that I write a book about my grandfather, who had just died. I had nothing else to fill my empty days with, so I started work on this book. While researching it - watching lots of movies, talking to moviemakers - I became interested in movies and started making documentaries.
    - Kevin Macdonald
  • The interesting thing to me is that somehow the future of movies will become a more social thing... I think that people will see them communally and will be talking about them as they're watching them, in a way, and immediately after watching them, and they'll all become the conversation. I think that's pretty interesting.
    - Kevin Macdonald
  • If you want to do 'Sword & Sandals' movies, people think that means it equals 'epic.'
    - Kevin Macdonald