Best quotes by Chino Moreno on Me

Checkout quotes by Chino Moreno on Me

  • Religion, in any form, is always interesting to me because of how powerful it is. Not even the religion itself, but to the people that follow it... The effect that it has had on people's minds.
    - Chino Moreno
  • Deja vu is one of the weirdest things that happens to me. It boggles my mind.
    - Chino Moreno
  • To write lyrics and sing stuff used to be a real chore for me, especially before this 'Diamond Eyes' record. I was spending years making records.
    - Chino Moreno
  • For me, the best part of being in a band is playing shows, all the raw energy.
    - Chino Moreno
  • I have this natural want to... when things sound very easy and straightforward, something inside me always makes me want to take a left turn. If it comes to me and it's too simple, there has to be a more complicated route. I will complicate things like that at times.
    - Chino Moreno
  • I always enjoy rhythms and melodies, but I always use my voice as more of an instrument and less of a soapbox for me to say or to preach.
    - Chino Moreno
  • A big problem for me was opening for Limp Bizkit and Linkin Park, two bands that wouldn't exist if it weren't for me, straight up!
    - Chino Moreno