Best quotes by Kersti Kaljulaid on Country

Checkout quotes by Kersti Kaljulaid on Country

  • Too many people in the world associate democracy with their ability to go and buy more and more every year. I come from a country where it's much more popular to remind people that democracy is available at every income level, and this is something which you need to protect.
    - Kersti Kaljulaid
  • NATO's deterrence has always been adequate, and I'm not worried about the physical security of my country. Not at all.
    - Kersti Kaljulaid
  • I don't believe Russia would attack a NATO country or NATO as such, no matter which country we are talking about.
    - Kersti Kaljulaid
  • Traditionally, nations have harnessed taxpayers to their territory by making almost all social guarantees dependent on working in one country, every day, every month, and for at least three decades. In creating free movement of people, this web has only got more complex but never disappeared.
    - Kersti Kaljulaid
  • Sometimes I hear, particularly from Russia, that we simply hate Russia and don't like to co-operate, that we are hysterical about the risks. But this is totally untrue. We would greatly benefit economically if our neighbour was a democratic, developing country.
    - Kersti Kaljulaid
  • Estonia maintains a two-language school system. I don't know many countries in the world that provide a system like ours. We are making sure that our Russian-speaking minority feels comfortable and involved in this country.
    - Kersti Kaljulaid
  • Estonia is proud of the fact that the country today has a flourishing and happy Jewish life.
    - Kersti Kaljulaid