Best quotes by Ken Livingstone on People

Checkout quotes by Ken Livingstone on People

  • I have met the people who run the world, and I am not in awe of them.
    - Ken Livingstone
  • I grew up in Lambeth, I went to normal schools and I've grown up in a city where people say what they think.
    - Ken Livingstone
  • I can only admire people who I have never met and are dead - because you know so much about anyone who is alive.
    - Ken Livingstone
  • The people I really most admire are Robert Kennedy and Franklin Roosevelt. If you know someone, it is very hard to revere them.
    - Ken Livingstone
  • I think it's much more important to keep people in work than have pay rises.
    - Ken Livingstone
  • Well, I get on with people who believe in something.
    - Ken Livingstone
  • Most people are not shocked that I am occasionally rude to journalists. They are probably amazed I don't punch one in the face.
    - Ken Livingstone
  • Most people wouldn't want to marry a politician.
    - Ken Livingstone