Best quotes by Kate Williams on History

Checkout quotes by Kate Williams on History

  • Analysis of soil, grave goods and skeletons has been key to our understanding of archaeology and the migration of peoples, as well as their daily lives. But in mainstream history, we tend to stick to documents.
    - Kate Williams
  • One of Britain's big problems throughout history has been that we lust after consumer goods from elsewhere, but our friends overseas have been less enthusiastic about buying things we produce.
    - Kate Williams
  • The motivations of kings in British history can generally be reduced to two: the quest for territory and the search for a male heir. No king was secure on his throne until he had a son, and no queen consort was ever really safe without a boy.
    - Kate Williams
  • I think increasingly we want to read the history that wasn't written by the victors.
    - Kate Williams
  • I really enjoy watching TV; it offers an amazing window, and its an incredible way of presenting history to young people in particular.
    - Kate Williams
  • It's the 21st century. It's untenable to suggest that women had no significance and no interest and that just because they didn't vote they had no relevance to the course of our history.
    - Kate Williams
  • Women's stories have been neglected for so long - unless they were queens. Exploring the history of women is a way of redressing that imbalance.
    - Kate Williams
  • Indeed, throughout much of history and in many cultures, redheads have been viewed with suspicion and fear - and even killed - because of their hair.
    - Kate Williams
  • Throughout history, the only way to secure a throne has been with a phalanx of children - nine for Victoria, 13 for George III.
    - Kate Williams