Best quotes by Evan Ross on Mom

Checkout quotes by Evan Ross on Mom

  • I always loved movies, especially watching some of my mom's films when I was younger, like 'Out of Darkness,' where she played a schizophrenic.
    - Evan Ross
  • I feel like I've been very smart in the way that I carry myself and treat myself. I feel like my mom was a big part of that just because she's always let us make our own decisions, and we've known very much about the mistakes and the dangers already of whatever this Hollywood life may be.
    - Evan Ross
  • Me and my mom are extremely, extremely close.
    - Evan Ross
  • I think that when you start rolling with an entourage, you attract attention, and you tend to create this whole big thing. My mom taught me that when you keep a low profile, most people tend to totally miss you because they're not expecting anything.
    - Evan Ross
  • I've seen all of my mom's films. She's the reason why I do almost anything.
    - Evan Ross
  • I never really saw my mom as Diana Ross. My mom was my mom.
    - Evan Ross