Best quotes by Karen Handel on Life

Checkout quotes by Karen Handel on Life

  • I think, for every phase of your life, you take something out of it, you learn from it, you grow from it. You just have to try to take what you can from it and then move on to the next phase of your life to be better.
    - Karen Handel
  • In life, sometimes you just lose.
    - Karen Handel
  • I try not to look back on my life and be regretful.
    - Karen Handel
  • I try not to look back on my life and be regretful.
    - Karen Handel
  • I've had to be tough my whole life.
    - Karen Handel
  • I think we can all agree that women deserve access to life saving, early detection procedures.
    - Karen Handel
  • We need to lift up the nation so we can find a more civil way to deal with our disagreements because, in these United States of America, no one should ever feel their life threatened over their political beliefs and positions.
    - Karen Handel
  • Hard work and making the most of life - that's what makes Georgians great.
    - Karen Handel