Best quotes by Joshua Malina on Me

Checkout quotes by Joshua Malina on Me

  • Coming up in the School of Aaron Sorkin Delivery of Fast-Paced Dialogue and Hyper-Articulateness prepared me well for Shondaland, where there are many of the same factors at play.
    - Joshua Malina
  • It would be a disappointment for me to take a job, as often happens, having to shoot out-of-town and not where I live.
    - Joshua Malina
  • Aaron Sorkin has been incredibly good to me; I don't know that I would have an acting career without him. Thanks to him, people think I'm smart and nice, but I'm neither.
    - Joshua Malina
  • I grew up and I was weaned on the Marx Brothers. They were sort of my all-time favorite. My parents showed me their movies when I was very young. And as I got older, I became a Charlie Chaplin fan, and I love Buster Keaton.
    - Joshua Malina
  • I like the concept of escalating warfare, but you need someone to fight back in order for things to escalate. If there's no confrontation or argument going on, it's too dull for me. I think that's the nature of the prankster: Things are too quiet. What can I do?
    - Joshua Malina
  • I have a very thick skin altogether - surprisingly, many actors are rather fragile, but I get that of the 10 million people watching an episode, probably 3 million hate me, and I'm comfortable with that.
    - Joshua Malina
  • If 'Scandal' were to run for the rest of my career and prevent me from doing anything else, I would sign that contract this moment.
    - Joshua Malina
  • A lot of people stop me to say nice things about 'The West Wing,' nice things about 'Sports Night' - so many people that I'm like, 'Where were you when it was on?'
    - Joshua Malina
  • Jon Favreau hates me.
    - Joshua Malina
  • When I came on 'The West Wing,' I jumped onto something that was already a steaming locomotive of a hit. It was very exciting for me because I knew, the moment I got the 'West Wing' job, 'Well, hey, so now I'm on a hit show because it already is established and very popular.'
    - Joshua Malina