Best quotes by Jonathan Miller on People

Checkout quotes by Jonathan Miller on People

  • What people want is not what some would call imaginative and often austere productions but very lavish productions which cast back into the auditorium an image of their affluence.
    - Jonathan Miller
  • Being a doctor has taught me a lot about directing. You're doing the same thing: You're reconstructing the manifold of behavior to the point where an audience says, yes, that's exactly like people I know.
    - Jonathan Miller
  • As we know from the work of certain fundamental physicists, people like Einstein were very dependent upon conjuring up visual images in order to imagine things which otherwise were not easily formulated.
    - Jonathan Miller
  • A lot of high-level scientists are in fact people of almost universal interest.
    - Jonathan Miller
  • People are already self-selected by the time they've decided to become scientists.
    - Jonathan Miller
  • Now, that is in a way also what scientists are trying to do they're trying to get people to see that the world can be represented in an alternative way and that it's right.
    - Jonathan Miller
  • People can't draw now and don't feel it's necessary. Art students don't seem to want to draw.
    - Jonathan Miller