Best quotes by Johnny Marr on Guitar

Checkout quotes by Johnny Marr on Guitar

  • Guitars have been the obsession of my life. I first picked one up at the age of four and I've been a guitar junkie ever since.
    - Johnny Marr
  • I played guitar from the age of four or five. Every year there would be a slightly larger triangular box under the Christmas tree, until finally I got one that was big enough to make a proper sound.
    - Johnny Marr
  • As a youngster, I used to try to pick up any bits of wisdom about the guitar I could. It's not like now where you have books and books about every aspect of anything. Any little pearl of wisdom was welcome back then.
    - Johnny Marr
  • I explored rock culture and what the guitar can do though people like Jimmy Page and John McLaughlin, and the music moves away from pop.
    - Johnny Marr
  • Nick Zinner has been one of my favorite guitar players for a long time.
    - Johnny Marr