Best quotes by John Ridley on Me

Checkout quotes by John Ridley on Me

  • In every election cycle that I can recall, there comes a moment - or a few - where charges of elitism and claims of commonness are wielded by presidential candidates like a sword and shield: 'Vote for me 'cause I'm one of you. It's the other guy who's out of touch.'
    - John Ridley
  • As a coping mechanism, or as a way to make a little hard count by shilling demons in the shadows, I try not to belittle the thought process of the conspiracy theorists. As a cocktail waitress in Vegas once schooled me: never get down on anybody else's hustle.
    - John Ridley
  • Certainly as a kid, I grew up with Batman, Superman, whoever - they didn't need to be black for me to relate to them. But when a character like Cyborg came along, I got excited, because he looked a little bit more like me; his experiences were a little bit more like mine.
    - John Ridley
  • I don't want an underachiever working on my car's transmission. Why would I want someone regular sitting in the Oval Office? Sorry, give me somebody who has demonstrated a capacity to excel.
    - John Ridley
  • I don't know what's hipper: to Facebook or to Twitter. I just know for me, personally, discretion never went out of style.
    - John Ridley
  • Bigots are actually funny to me in the way that people who still wear parachute pants give me a chuckle.
    - John Ridley